English and Languages


Year 7


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Homer – The Odyssey

  • Family Relationships
  • The human impact and consequences of war
  • Honour and pride

Spring 1

Spring 2

Story-telling through Time

  • Formation of human identity and voice

Summer 1

Summer 2

Sonnets through the ages and Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet 

  • Love
  • Family Relationships
  • Honour and Pride


Year 8


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Rhetoric from Aristotle to the Modern Day 

  • Formation of human identity, Voice and the art of persuasion

Spring 1

Spring 2

Nature and the Romantics 

  • The power of nature
  • Celebration of beauty and the Sublime

Summer 1

Summer 2

The Gothic 

  • Duality of man
  • Conflict between Science and Religion
  • Marginalisation of the Outsider


Year 9


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

The Human Condition Anthology

  • An overview of the Human experience

Spring 1

Spring 2

Literature of the First World War 

  • The human impact and consequence of War
  • The human inevitability of death
  • Inequality of power and conflicting voices

Summer 1

Summer 2

Modern Drama: An Inspector Calls

  •  Class and poverty divide
  • Family Relationships
  • Social Responsibility


Year 10


Autumn 1

Autumn 2


Language Paper 1 skills 

  • Power, corruption and tyranny
  • The inevitability f death
  • Loyalty, honour, pride and ambition

Spring 1

Spring 2

Poetry and Writing Skills

  • The human impact and consequence of war
  • Power of nature
  • Human identity and vice

Summer 1

Summer 2

A Christmas Carol

Language Paper 2 skills

  • Spoken Language Assessment


Year 11


Autumn 1

Language Paper 1

  • Skills and exam practice.
  • Reading - Section A

Autumn 2

Language Paper 2

  • Skills and exam practice.
  • Reading - Section A

Spring 1

Spring 2

Shakespeare and the 19th Century novel

Modern texts


  • An Inspector Calls

Summer 1

Summer 2

Final Revision and Exam Preparation; Language and Literature



Year 7


Autumn 1 Je me présente
Meeting and greeting, Likes and dislikes. Numbers, Dates, ages and birthdays Describing yourself, your survival kit. Classroom objects, the alphabet, classroom instructions.

Autumn 2

Spring 1

En famille
Family, physical descriptions, characteristics, possessive articles, animals, Avoir and Etre – adjectives

Spring 2

Summer 1

Où j’habite
Where I live, describing your home, avoir and etre, saying what you can do in town, Nouns, habiter in present tense, il y a/ il n’y a pas de.
Summer 2 Mes passetemps
Free time, sports and activities.  Faire and Jouer.  What you like doing, describing what other people do. Describing future plans with friends, time.  Near future tense


Year 8


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Les Vacances
Countries, Holidays, holiday plans
Using past tense. Weather in the imperfect.

Spring 1

Spring 2

Mon identité

Avoir and être, Opinions on music and clothes. Talking about last weekend. Clothes and fashion, a recent trip out in perfect tense, music, French singers, cinema and TV.

Summer 1

Summer 2

Mon collège.
School subjects, describing timetable, school uniform, French school system, giving opinions and reasons and reasons. School rules. time, describe previous school trip


Year 9


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Qui suis-je
Family relationships, Describing friends, going out in town, describing weekend routine, talking about life when you were younger. Talking about role models.

Spring 1

Ma vie sociale d’ado
Describing social activities
Facebook, technology, describing life before technology, Music festivals

Spring 2

Summer 1

Le temps des loisirs
Sport and music, Cinema and TV Life online, books and culture, eating out.
Summer 2 Jours ordinaires, jours de fête
Daily life, food and culture, family celebrations, festivals and traditions. Traditions in other French speaking countries


Year 10


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

De la ville à la campagne
Describing a region, including how it used to be, discussing what to see and do.  Describing plans and weather.

Spring 1

Le mode de Vie
Personal information: Lifestyle healthy eating and exercise, at the doctor, alcohol and substance abuse.

Spring 2

Summer 1

Moi dans le monde
The environment, Rights and responsibilities, charity and voluntary work. Homelessness and poverty.
Summer 2 Le grand large
Holidays, Out and about: Visitor information, Local amenities, accommodation, basic weather. Personal information: Leisure activities, booking and reviewing hotels, ordering in a restaurant, talking about holiday disasters.


Year 11


Autumn 1 Le collège
School subjects and opinions, school rules, pressures at school, re-visit timetable and telling the time.

Autumn 2

Il faut bosser
Future plans, education and work: Work and work experience, simple job advertisements, applications and CV

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2  



Year 7


Autumn 1

Las introducciones

Meeting and greeting, Likes and dislikes. Numbers, Dates, ages and birthdays, tener. Describing yourself, your survival kit. Classroom objects, the alphabet, classroom instructions.

Autumn 2

Spring 1

La familia

Family, physical descriptions, characteristics, possessive articles, animals,

Ser and estar – adjectives

Spring 2

Summer 1

Dónde vivo

Where I live, describing your home, ser and estar, saying what you can do in town, Nouns, vivir in present tense, hay/no hay/tiene.
Summer 2

Mis pasatiempos

Free time, sports and activities.  Hacer and Jugar.  What you like doing, describing what other people do. Describing future plans with friends, time.  Near future tense.


Year 8


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Las vacaciones

Countries, Holidays, holiday plans,

Using past tense. Weather in the imperfect.

Spring 1

Spring 2

Mi identidad

Ser, estar and tener, Opinions on music and clothes. Talking about last weekend. Clothes and fashion, a recent trip out in preterite tense, music, Hispanic singers, cinema and TV.

Summer 1

Summer 2

Mi colegio.

School subjects, describing timetable, school uniform, Spanish school system, giving opinions and reasons and reasons. School rules. time, describe previous school trip


Year 9


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Sobre mi

Family relationships, Describing friends, going out in town, describing weekend routine, talking about life when you were younger. Talking about role models.

Spring 1

Mi vida social

Describing social activities

Facebook, technology, describing life before technology, Music festivals

Spring 2

Summer 1

El tiempo libre

Sport and music, Cinema and TV Life online, books and culture, eating out.

Summer 2

Días normales y días de fiesta,

 Daily life, food and culture, family celebrations, festivals and traditions. Traditions in other French speaking countries


Year 10


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

De la ciudad al campo

Describing a region, including how it used to be, discussing what to see and do.  Describing plans and weather.

Spring 1

La vida

Personal information: Lifestyle healthy eating and exercise, at the doctor, alcohol and substance abuse.

Spring 2

Summer 1

Mi mundo

The environment, Rights and responsibilities, charity and voluntary work. Homelessness and poverty.
Summer 2

Soy turista

Holidays, Out and about: Visitor information /Local amenities/ Accommodation/ Basic weather. Personal information: Leisure activities, booking and reviewing hotels, ordering in a restaurant, talking about holiday disasters.


Year 11


Autumn 1 School subjects and opinions, school rules, pressures at school, re-visit timetable and telling the time.

Autumn 2

Future plans, education and work: Work and work experience, simple job advertisements, applications and CV

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2